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Types of Libra Man Eye Contact and Staring

Libra Man Eye Contact

When a Libra man makes eye contact with you, it is helpful to understand its meaning. It will assist you in knowing what a Libra man feels about you. 

When you catch eye contact with a Libra man in a room full of people, there comes a sense that you and he are sharing that moment.

Learning how to assess a Libra man’s eye contact will help you know what he feels about you.

To understand an eye contact, you need to consider:

  • Types of a Libra man’s eye contact
  • Your relationship nature with the Libra
  • The context of the eye contact  

We will discuss each one of these factors in detail. It will help you understand every vital aspect of Libra man eye contact.

According to the thesis by Patricia Glixon Webbink from Duke University, “Eye contact leads to intimacy. Eyes intensify the expression of warmth and empathy.”

Quick Overview of a Libra man

  • Libras are ruled by Venus
  • They are advocates of Justice
  • They are Indecisive; therefore, they end up changing their mind frequently.
  • Libras are romantic
  • They love being with beautiful ladies

Types of Libra man eye contact

Photo by Ilie Micut-Istrate on Unsplash

A Libra guy will have eight types of eye contact with you. Each eye contact has its significance and meaning.

1. No Intentional Eye Contact

This type of eye contact happens when a Libra man knows very little about you. Since Libras are friendly people, they rarely avoid eye contact with others. However, if it seems that Libra is putting effort into preventing eye contact the whole time with you, it signifies he needs more time to get comfortable with you.

Another reason for no intentional eye contact might be that Libra is unhappy with you. Since Libra’s natural tendency to avoid conflict leads him not to react when he is hurt, he behaves passive-aggressively in most cases.

2. Unintentional Absence of Eye Contact

When a Libra man unintentionally doesn’t make eye contact, he could be shy from you. Another reason might be he wants to learn more about you.

3. Glance (Unintentional)

An unintentional glance is when a Libra man looks at you and immediately looks away; it’s an unconscious act in which he is unaware of what he is looking at.

It is a neutral act for most people, but a Libra man’s unintentional glance can lead him to admire your beauty since they are receptive to beautiful looks.

4. Slight Glance (Intentional)

It is the first type of eye contact when you successfully make a positive impression on a Libra guy. 

The Libra man would consciously glance at you and immediately look away, possibly due to shyness or awkwardness. But this eye contact registers something to him. 

According to studies, if a person breaks eye contact with you by looking down, he is attracted to you. On the contrary, if the person breaks eye contact by looking to the side, he is uninterested.

Also, most people are uncomfortable making eye contact with strangers, therefore, do not worry if a Libra guy breaks eye contact in the first meeting with you. 

5. Double Glance

A double glance happens when you make eye contact with the Libra guy, and he looks away, then you keep on looking at him for a few seconds, and he looks at you again to make second eye contact.

A double glance will break the ice between you and the Libra man. But you will have a hard time judging whether a Libra man is interested in you or not because they are nice to almost everyone. 

6. The Libra Gaze

Gaze is different from all of the above-mentioned types of eye contact. It happens when a Libra guy looks at you and consciously keeps looking for 2-3 seconds. 

A gaze from a Libra man combined with a smile signifies that he is getting interested in you. Libras are flirtatious therefore don’t overly assume their gaze. 

7. Eye Contact signaling sexual invitation

Eye contact signaling sexual invitation happens when a Libra man makes eye contact, smiles, and never stops looking.

It is the as much interest as a Libra man can display with eye contact alone.

When a Libra man makes this eye contact, he wants to have sex with you. The next level from this eye contact would be a Libra man approaching you.

8. Dreamboat eye contact

Dreamboat eye contact is the extreme level of affection displayed through eye contact. It is like the eye contact Romeo and Juliet made when they met. 

A Libra man would make a dreamboat eye contact when he falls in love with you.

Observations have shown that dreamboat doesn’t happen unless you have sex with the Libra guy.

Consider the context of your eye contact with the Libra man

If you have had eye contact with a Libra man, keeping the context in perspective is helpful before having any conclusion. 

For instance, if a Libra is interviewing you for a job, and he makes eye contact for one minute, we can’t say it was a dreamboat. Similarly, if you meet a Libra doctor who holds eye contact for inspection, that was also not a display of interest.

The easiest way to judge is that there should be no apparent reason for eye contact. The Libra must be staring at you for no reason. Then we can say he might be interested in you.

Your relationship nature with the Libra

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

The third important thing that you should consider while assessing a Libra man’s eye contact is the nature of your relationship with him.

  • If a Libra guy is your boss, he will make eye contact to show confidence.
  • If the Libra is a stranger, gaze-type eye contact may annoy you.

Consider how much you know about each other; familiarity makes you comfortable with your partner.

It is the matter of eyes; only an eye can precisely assess another eye. Ask yourself what did Libra convey through his eye contact.

Do Libra Men Like Eye Contact?

Libra loves eye contact with women; they consider eye contact an excellent way to connect with others.

As said, “The eyes are the windows to a person’s soul” if you are desirable to a Libra man, he will enjoy having eye contact with you.

If a Libra man is caught in a conflict, he will avoid making eye contact with the aggressor. 

Libra emphasizes eye contact during conversations because they talk with their hearts, and there is nothing to hide. Also, eye contact shows that a person has confidence.

Generally, Libras are extroverts, they make friends quickly, so when it comes to a stranger, a Libra would be fine making eye contact with them. 

In a paper published in Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences USA, the researcher suggests that eye contact helps make the conversation cohere and evolve. A Libra man like eye contact because it allows him to engage you in his conversations. 

What Does It Mean When a Libra Man Stares at You?

Libras are ruled by Venus; they admire the beauty and are reportedly serial monogamists. Therefore, if a Libra man keeps staring at you, you look gorgeous to him.

It is vital to note that every Libra is utterly different from another Libra; therefore, nobody can strictly judge what his stare means. But a few things can help assess a Libra stare.

  • A Libra man staring at you might be he wants to have sex with you. A Libra guy loves to have a relationship with beautiful women. He would approach you when he found you attractive.
  • Libras may be seen flirting with several women, but they are always in search of a soulmate. A Libra might be staring at you because he thinks you could be his soulmate. If you like him, you can smile at him, make eye contact, and show him you are open to him approaching you.

What Does It Mean When a Libra Man Stares Into Your Eyes

A Libra man might stare into your eyes because he wants to size you up. 

  • Sometimes, a Libra man might stare into your eyes without smiling; it means he is asserting his dominance. Generally, this type of eye contact occurs in public or at work, and it doesn’t mean someone is attracted to you.
  • A Libra man stares into your eyes when he is talking about you. He could be asking about you from his friends or telling them that you are attractive.
  • When a Libra guy wants to avoid staring at other parts of your body, he might stare into your eyes.
  • Sometimes a Libra guy stares into a woman’s eyes because he wants to convey that he likes her. According to research, eye contact is an effective method of non-verbal communication.

How to Get a Libra Man to Notice You?

You need to ensure that you are the perfect woman for your Libra guy. To make a Libra notice you:

  • Compliment the Libra guy.
  • Libras hate conflicts; they are excellent peacemakers. Avoid conflict with a libra man to get him to notice you.
  • Libras are indecisive people who allow their partners to lead them. Show them that you are good at making decisions.
  • Avoid correcting him in public because it will hurt him.

Libra Man Eye Contact During Sex

A Libra guy would make intentional eye contact during sex because it shows the absence of guilty feelings and honesty. Also, avoiding eye contact during sex shows nervousness.

Generally, a Libra guy makes eye contact during sex because:

  • It boosts confidence
  • It maintains a connection with the partner, which makes them feel desired
  • Eye contact increases excitement in lovemaking
  • Intense eye contact stimulates arousal
  • Eye contact during sex develops trust, strengthens bonding, and conveys that you appreciate your partner’s feelings.

During sex, practice looking into your Libra partner’s eyes from time to time. It will stimulate sexual arousal and assure your partner that he’s got your full attention.

How to Flirt With a Libra Man by Making Eye Contact

  1. Glance him casually
  2. Make eye contact when you have the opportunity
  3. Blush while making the eye contact
  4. Keep a balance

Final Words

Libra men make eye contact to connect and show interest. It is vital to learn different types of eye contact to analyze a Libra man. Also, considering the context of eye contact and your relationship with Libra would help you precisely judge what his eye contact means.